by : Ardi class C (mahkali Kafka)
Thou, they said, never come
While nothing to be done,
In space with no sound
Lost in time, not found.
Gogo said it’s awful
When empty is full
Didi said it’s painful
When time makes lull
Road, mound, and tree
In no leaves it seems to me
In suicide they decide it might be
Expecting to talk to thee
Day feels like century
Absurd, out of harmony
Is this Thou call the world
When things decay, in sight, and grow old
Free yet freezed
Reachable but unseized
Open but sealed
Unmove and want to be killed
Lukcy is in rope
Pozzo becomes thy hope
Godot might he be?
Gogo iin nothing to see.
Beaten in a ditch everynight
By invincible men,and fight,
anything he remember
when the hours are not hot
the dead voice he always hear
the remnant of the past isn’t clear
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